Swee Chin Tan
MBBS, BmedSc, M.Surg.Sci, FRACS
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
For Appointments & Patient Enquiries
Please fax referrals to 03 9492 6957 or
email victorysurgery88@gmail.com
Phone 03 9068 6290
Direct Access Endoscopy
We provide the opportunity for general practitioners and other doctors to refer you for direct access endoscopy.
What is Direct Access Endoscopy?
This is a pathway where you can be referred directly to us for gastroscopy or colonoscopy or both without the need for an initial face to face specialist consultation.
How do I qualify for this?
In order to be eligible for direct access, you cannot have any of the following
1. Age < 15 or > 80 years old
2. Body mass index > 40
3. Significant cardiorespiratory disease
- eg cardiac - ongoing angina, on warfarin, severe congestive cardiac failure
- eg respiratory - severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obstructive sleep apnoea
4. End stage renal failure - with or without dialysis
5. On strong blood thinners - Warfarin, Rivaroxaban, Dabigratran, Clopidogrel, Prasugrel, Ticagrelor, Apixaban. Aspirin is permitted.
6. Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes mellitus on medication. Diet controlled Type 2 Diabetes is permitted.
Should you have any of the above, we will require you to be referred for a consultation with Swee Chin first.
What are the steps for Direct Access Endoscopy?
1. Download the Direct Access Endoscopy Form
2. Referring doctor or GP to complete all the details on form with you
3. Completed form can be emailed to victorysurgery88@gmail.com or faxed to 03 9492 6957
4. We will contact you within 3 to 5 working days with the date, location and timing of the endoscopy as well as preop preparation needed.
5. Consent for the endoscopy will be done on the day of the procedure by Swee Chin and the Anesthetist for that scope list.
Additional info
1. Bowel prep regimen for patients having morning colonoscopy
2. Bowel prep regimen for patients having afternoon colonoscopy